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80mm Domestic to RBC Adapter Plates w/Hardware

* photo may vary from actual product KTuned
Part #:KTD-TBP-8RB
Availability:In Stock
MSRP: $170.65
Price (CDN): $155.13
Free Shipping over $400
K-Tuned 80mm Throttle body

* The adapters are O-ring sealed so there is no need for gasket between adapter or manifold

These are the same plates that come with our popular 80mm Throttle Body to mate it to an RBC Manifold. We are now offering them separately for those wanting to run our Domestic Style Throttle Body or other options.

By using a specialized set of billet adapters we have made it possible to port out the TB opening and the IACV (Idle Air Control Valve) section on either an RBC or similar manifold. This porting increases the size of the intake manifold opening and allows an 80mm TB to breathe perfectly through the off-round hole. 